Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lack of posts, inactivity!

I follow the traffic to this blog Religiously. I thank all of those people or "returning visitors" for continuing to visit this site. You may have noticed that as of late my posts have declined in frequency, content and quality. Here's the deal.... I recently registered a new domain, www.themadrecruiter.com and have been diligently working on getting this site up and running, but I want to get it right. It's going to take some time because I am incorporating flash, streaming video, industry specific discussions and live chat, as well as the ability to post "video resumes!" I ask that you please be patient but at the same time know that I am still "recruiting" full time and have many great opportunities.
I understand that the markets are crashing, cash is tight, investors have lost over 3 TRILLION dollars in the last year! However, the fact of the matter is that companies are still hiring!! I have numerous positions for verification engineers, product engineers, applications engineers, test engineers, etc!! Problem is that none of these roles are for new college grads. I need people with 5+ years experience specifically in the semiconductor/photonics industry..
I will continue to do my best to keep you all up to date with recent job orders and the latest "inside" news that you may not get anywhere else. But let me assure you that when my new website is up and running, it will be the most comprehensive, cutting edge, innovative and "outside the box" website you have seen! It's going to take some time, so please bear with me..

If you would like notification when this new site is active, please e-mail me with your contact info at ross@hightechnh.com or leave me a comment with your e-mail below..

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